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Titel: Trip on sunday, October 30th
Verfasst am: 24.10.2005, 17:37 Uhr #14562

Anmeldung: 03. Okt 2003
Beiträge: 2480
Wohnort: Berlin
The coming Sunday will might be the last chance
for a trip for the season driver among us.
So what about the trip, which was cancelled three
weeks ago? It goes
On the traces of the first of the Askanian
The Askanians are a swabian-frankish dynasty, which
get its name from their master residence "Ascharia",
which is the city of Aschersleben today.
One of the first of this today widely ranged clan was
Albrecht I of Brandenburg, called "Albrecht the Bear".
He founded the Mark Brandenburg by his settlement
politics and also with the conquest of the "Brennabor"
(today the city of Brandenburg) on June 11th 1157.
In two years therefore big celebrations are planned
for the 850th anniversary.
What this got to do with a guy named "Jaxa" and with
the today's Berlin destrict "Koepenick" and from where
those beautiful sounding names like "Flaeming",
"Zauche" and "Heveller" comes from, we will discover.
The route with its distance of about 250km will become
not so long, regarding the cooler weather. At present
the forecast says, that the conditions will be good. It
shall become fair and light cloudy but always dry with
having 10-15 degrees.
Like always we meet at 9.30 a.m. at the bridge,
departure then at 10.00 a.m.
Regards Ron
And like always this notice:
Everyone, who has fun to it, can participate to this trip.
For joining the Motorradgemeinde-Europa no membership is
needed and there are also no obligations. Therefore every-
body is cordially welcome, regardless if he/she is an active
member of the forum or not. Always faithfully the slogan:
who is there, rides along with us and who is not there,
participates next time. Meeting place is always the
"crank bridge" (AVUS exit Spanische Allee) at 9.30 a.m.,
departure at 10.00 a.m. The machine should be filled up.
Return depending upon length of the route between 5-7 p.m.
We are to be recognized by our logo. The "racing duck"
wears some of us at the sleeve or back of the jacket.
_________________ Wer nicht gelebt hat, der kann auch nicht sterben.
Titel: Trip on sunday, October 30th
Verfasst am: 31.10.2005, 12:13 Uhr #14636

Anmeldung: 03. Okt 2003
Beiträge: 2480
Wohnort: Berlin
Hardly to believe that today "season conclusion" should have been. At nearly summer temperatures and radiating a blue sky we went to our Albrecht route today.
At the bridge met: Dani+Hardy, Sylvia+Frank (gs forum), Ariane+Tobias, Gundi, Tina, Uwe, Stefan, Jens, Uwe (gs forum), Dirk, Ralf, Michelle, Esteban and mine one.
Sylvia, Frank, Tina, Jens, Stefan
Esteban, Dirk, Hardy, Dani
We started completely uncommonly over the Havelchaussee and made first of all a small city tour. Our first goal was the Spandau citadel.
With our 14 Moppeds we took the whole road in possession and entered the castle.
Here probably the only monument of Albrecht I is to be found. In former times it was located once in the Tiergarten and was brought into the citadel some times ago.
In the proximity of Spandau the last battle raved against the slav prince Jaxa of Koepenick with his polish army. The legend says that after the lost battle Jaxa was hunted by Albrecht into the Havel. We made ourselves thus on to our second station, the Jaxa ravine.
Here the probably most unknown monument of Berlin stands. A tower constructed by a private man, which carries a relief with the representation of the pursuit.
Probably rather into the range of the legends and myths history belongs that Albrecht hunted Jaxa into the river Havel. He and his horse threatened to drown. In highest emergency the up to this gentile Jaxa praises the Lord promised him, that he will serve him in the future, if he will be rescued. "Let' roll" god said hisself and touched with his finger Jaxa's buckler, lift him up and carried him over the Havel on the other side to the saving bank. There Jaxa fell on the knees and began to pray. As indication of his thanks Jaxa attached his sword and his buckler at a tree, in order to bring it to the Lord. Since this happened this headland in the Havel is named "Buckler Horn" (Schildhorn).
For us it was final time to leave Berlin and go now on our trip. We turned toward Seeburg, Paretz, Ketzin and Tremmen continued over Gohlitz, Paewesin, Beetzseeheide and Moetzow we reached the city of Brandenburg.
The former "Brennabor" was seat of the brandenburgian Mark counts. Today nothing more is remaining of it. However the cathedral is to stand on the foundation walls of the Brennabor.
We placed our bikes in the cathedrals inner ward
and inserted our lunch break at the next door lying cathedral Café.
Strengthened it continued then. We still wanted to cross the "Zauche" (in slav that is called as "aridity"), a region, which Pribislaw Heinrich, the last slav archon of Brandenburg, gave it as baptism gift to Albrecht for his nephews and thus it represents the "heartland" of the later Mark Brandenburg.
First it went north over Pritzerbe and Doeberitz, until we turned off in Premnitz to the south and over Marquede and Jerchel we reached an idyllic village named "Knoblauch" (English: garlic, really no joke!). It went further over the B1 first again into western direction. We turned off soon onto a side road, on which we inserted a small break at the village Kade.
Over Karow, Zitz and Wesen we continued to come to Mahlenzien. This place will probably remain for us in memory. Here the Navi failed somehow and we had to make some turn-overs in order to get the correct departure further toward the south.
Behind Wenzlow we inserted a fuel stop at Wollin.
Here we made then the decision not to go to Dobbrikow as planned, but started directly with the goal bridge, because now the daylight would not any longer have been sufficient.
Thus we continued over Groß Briesen and Ragösen, then over Cammer, Reesdorf und Beelitz and at Zauchwitz we turned to north and reached Stücken, Fresdorf, Tremsdorf, Saarmund and Phillipsthal and finally the A115, wich we followd back to the bridge.
There where a lot of people again. Apparantly nobody want's to miss this last October sun-day as well. We met Helmut and a few "east falcons" (Hayabusa riders), which returned from their conclusion meeting in Czechia.
It was a nice tour as well with altogether 253 km. For many seasonists it was today probably a parting up to spring. For all different we want to hope that also November still gives us a few roadworthy Sundays.
More pictures are to be found in the gallery of my homepage.
Regards Ron  |
_________________ Wer nicht gelebt hat, der kann auch nicht sterben.
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