Aktuelles Datum und Uhrzeit: 09.03.2025, 21:04 Uhr |
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Titel: Trip on sunday, November 6th
Verfasst am: 31.10.2005, 11:12 Uhr #14635

Anmeldung: 03. Okt 2003
Beiträge: 2480
Wohnort: Berlin
Here something autumnally:
Already mixes red in the sheets green,
mignonettes and asters in the wither,
The grapes cutted, the oats reaped,
the autumn is there, the year becomes late.
But (whether autumn is) the sun glows-
away with the melancholy from your mind!
Ban the concern, enjoy what dociles you
before snow and winter comes.
"Late Autumn" by Theodor Fontane
And really: in german words it will rhyme.
It sound, that already Theodor Fontane would deep
inside have been a Biker soul.
For the winter season opening it goes therefore
On the traces of Theodor Fontane
We will drive off a few places, which particularly inspired
Fontane in his volumes "Walking-Tour through the Mark
After yesterday I am full of hope that again the weather
will not leave us.
The tour doesn't stands completely yet, but it would not
exceed 250 km, so that we will return to the bridge
latest at 5 p.m.
Meeting is like always at 9.30 a.m. at the bridge,
departure then at 10.00 o'clock.
Regards Ron
And like always this notice:
Everyone, who has fun to it, can participate to this trip.
For joining the Motorradgemeinde-Europa no membership is
needed and there are also no obligations. Therefore every-
body is cordially welcome, regardless if he/she is an active
member of the forum or not. Always faithfully the slogan:
who is there, rides along with us and who is not there,
participates next time. Meeting place is always the
"crank bridge" (AVUS exit Spanische Allee) at 9.30 a.m.,
departure at 10.00 a.m. The machine should be filled up.
Return depending upon length of the route between 5-7 p.m.
We are to be recognized by our logo. The "racing duck"
wears some of us at the sleeve or back of the jacket.
_________________ Wer nicht gelebt hat, der kann auch nicht sterben.
Titel: Trip on sunday, November 6th
Verfasst am: 07.11.2005, 02:29 Uhr #14690

Anmeldung: 03. Okt 2003
Beiträge: 2480
Wohnort: Berlin
As the first November weekend we had really good driving weather today. It was sunny and kept dry and with 12-15 degrees also acceptable temperatures. That this route would finally degenerate into a real adventure, we could however not suspect in the morning at the bridge!
We started with five motor cycles together with Ines, Helmut, Ralf, Jens and me.
Helmut, Ines
First it went over Potsdam, Fahrland, Priort and over the B5 to Nauen. Once Fontane must have travelled the same way. But at his time the way would even be more laborious.
North of Nauen at a village with the name "Am Weinberg" (english: "at the vineyard") we inserted a first short break.
Here the first part of our adventure followed. Because I could not check this route completely before, we came on a hard to travel distance, which we had to break off and turned back on the B273. We followed it to Charlottenau and turned west heading Linum. At Fehrbellin we inserted a fuel stop. Ines, Helmut and Ralf took the chance to terminate their trip just after 80 km. Jens and I continued the way to Neuruppin. We stopped at the Fontane Memorial, with which the city honoured its probably most famous son.
Actually his birth house, the "Löwenapotheke" ("Lion Pharmacy") and his school were also still on the way, but various building sites prevented us to pass by. It went over Alt-Ruppin to Dierberg. Up to here we had always hard bitumen under our tires. Afterwards it became however somewhat more uncomfortable. We drove on a road, which looks like a solid way at first. Only a "puddle" had to be taken.
That this "puddle" became to a half lake was just as surprising, as also the fact that the muddy underground made a braking directly before impossible to me. There was only one chance: "Close your eyes and go through" (german idiom). With full gas and slipping rear wheel I arrived then totally wet on the other side. Just already began to turn on the narrow way, to my astonishment however Jens with his Hayabusa at the edge of the puddle was already on the way to me. After a short break we decided to follow the way further because it could not become worse any longer. But it came then nevertheless differently. The underground changed from bumpy cobblestone, at which edge one slipped away again and again, over muddy sand ways to centimetre thick leaves layers, on which one we only could hope to come through.
May be those road signs should be paid more attention.
Anyhow we were completely gladly, to reach a clear road again after approx. 7 km. For our troubles we were recompenced however with a very beautiful forest road between Alt Globsow and Fuerstenberg.
Actually still the "Fontanehaus" in Neu Globsow stood on the program. But we let it fail and drove to Fuerstenberg. There we turned to south again and visited a private cross area, which a private man buildet up hisself.
We continued on B96 to Gransee, where we turned to Meseburg and after Baumgarten, Keller, Lindow and Herzberg we turned to south at Radensleben and drove a beautiful side road over Pabstthum and Wall to Beetz, where we turned to Kremmen, in order to finally insert our "lunch time" there.
We decided not to return to the bridge. Because Jens still wanted to visit the regular table of the East Falcons (Hayabusa driver) and so we had to bring up some time, we drove to Velten to visit a nice Irish Pub. After a cup of coffee we went to A111, where we splitted up after all together 253 km.
It was a real adventuresome trip at the beginning of winter season. May be Petrus is in favor to donate more of those beautiful Sundays.
More pictures are to be found at the gallery of my homepage.
Up to next time,
Regards Ron  |
_________________ Wer nicht gelebt hat, der kann auch nicht sterben.
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