Aktuelles Datum und Uhrzeit: 09.03.2025, 05:28 Uhr |
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Titel: Trip on sunday, november 13th
Verfasst am: 11.11.2005, 23:03 Uhr #14713

Anmeldung: 03. Okt 2003
Beiträge: 2480
Wohnort: Berlin
Somewhat at short notice, but after the weather is to
become wonderful again, next sunday it goes
On the traces of the Ukrane
The Ukrane were a Slavic clan, which settled in 6 th
century near the today village Drense. Drense carries
the title as the "first historical village of the Uckermark"
(region in the north of Brandenburg). We will see, if it
keeps what it promises.
The route will take about 300 km. If the approach
should become too long, we can shorten a piece over
the motorway. Tomorrow I'm going to check the route.
Like always meeting is at 9.30 a.m. at the bridge,
departure then at 10.00 a.m.
Regards Ron
And like always this notice:
Everyone, who has fun to it, can participate to this trip.
For joining the Motorradgemeinde-Europa no membership is
needed and there are also no obligations. Therefore every-
body is cordially welcome, regardless if he/she is an active
member of the forum or not. Always faithfully the slogan:
who is there, rides along with us and who is not there,
participates next time. Meeting place is always the
"crank bridge" (AVUS exit Spanische Allee) at 9.30 a.m.,
departure at 10.00 a.m. The machine should be filled up.
Return depending upon length of the route between 5-7 p.m.
We are to be recognized by our logo. The "racing duck"
wears some of us at the sleeve or back of the jacket.
_________________ Wer nicht gelebt hat, der kann auch nicht sterben.
Titel: Trip on sunday, november 13th
Verfasst am: 13.11.2005, 14:55 Uhr #14728

Anmeldung: 03. Okt 2003
Beiträge: 2480
Wohnort: Berlin
It was really a short trip today. Although the weather was good to drive, nobody of the Motorradgemeinde came to the bridge. So Evan and me together with Alfred, a new guy, who found us via the Honda-Board started with three motorcycles.
We didn't take the planned route, but went on direct way to Fuerstenberg, where we wanted to take a look again on the new crosser-trial.
We met the owner of this areal, who told us, that on december 17th at 10 a.m. there will happen a "Christmas-Enduro-Event". Who may be is interessted in to visit this event: the areal lays just before the entrance to Fuerstenberg at the B96.
We turned back to Berlin and after about 190 km we were back home in the early afternoon.
The planned trip remains in the storage and could happen another day.
Some more pictures are to be found in the gallery of my homepage.
See you next time,
Regards Ron  |
_________________ Wer nicht gelebt hat, der kann auch nicht sterben.
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