Aktuelles Datum und Uhrzeit: 29.03.2025, 23:48 Uhr |
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Titel: Castle Rabenstein April 8-9, 2006
Verfasst am: 10.04.2006, 20:15 Uhr #15837

Anmeldung: 03. Okt 2003
Beiträge: 2480
Wohnort: Berlin
It was a great weekend! Bikes wherever you look, an exciting trip and a big party with cute people!
As agreed, we met at 1.30 pm at the bridge and the street filled up.
Without ruffle we drank a last coffee and a short briefing for the tourguides was held.
Afterwards we gathered for a group picture.
Some instructions were given
and then we started.
After all bikes have been positioned, it went on Kronprinzessinnenweg to the expressway drive Wannsee.
After I made some pictures here and was going to pack up all things, I was verbally harassed by a woman on a bicycle, that all, what we are doing would be a big environmental pollution. I told her, that this is sometimes very funny and escaped to the other motorway drive to reach the A115. Just in time I reached the second drive to thwart the right lane to make the contrive for the about 60 motorcycles easier.
It went over A115 to the Berliner Ring and from there to highway A9. At Niemegk we left the motorway to take the rest of the tour on smaller roads.
The castle was not far away and so we arrived there at 3.30 pm.
At the castle we populated the inner ward (to the astonishment of some other visitors) and made a little break before we went to our rooms.
The rooms were of simple state but so far ok.
Afterwards we used the time to celebrate Ralf's birthday (to the right at the picture).
Someone used the opportunity to discover the castle by their own or (like us) to participate on a guidance.
We learned some facts about the history of the castle and of its composition (when I rembers it right, the main ingredients of the brickwork were eggs, curd cheese and cattle blood).
And also the seat test of the torture chair should not be missed.
This is the original one. Regard the nails on the seat! They made any captivation unnecessary!
At the chapel (which was inaugurated by Martin Luther hisself) we drank a slug of the own-brand of the castle,
before we climbed up the 800 years old tower.
Afterwards it went to the dinner at the knight hall.
The meal was excellent and of rich variety.
Well … and when we had enough we started to lift the mugs …
The music played loud (maybe a little too loud) and the mood raised.
And of course we shaked a leg.
In between it went outside to the inner ward to get some fresh air.
All were in a good mood. That's why the night gets long and the senses gets muzzy and their owners really looks alike.
The last ones gets about 3 am to bed. That means, that there was no much time until breakfast. So the inner ward was really empty at the next morning.
But at any time all were back at the table.
Afterwards ist was sadly time again to say good bye.
We saddled the steed
and arranged for a last group picture.
Then we split up. But to use this Sunday for a motorcycle tour, we went in a smaller group on a little longer way home. Indeed we had some start dilemmas. Unseen of the (maybe still muzzied) tourguide we lost the half group, which was delayed by a low-flying GS.
At the first stop we arranged a "reunification" via SMS message.
The trip went on a loop way to the "middle point" of the former GDR.
This introspectively "balance point" layed amid a forrest and was only be reached on impassable roads.
After some minutes the lost group arrived and we had to listen a severe lecture.
Refined we went together on the road again.
At Dobbrikow we inserted our lunch break.
The waitress was not in good condition. She started to shoot at us with food.
Saturated it went on the last hop and we arrived -matching to the fine weather- at the filled bridge.
It was a super event! For all the preparation and the organizing a big thank you to Micha, who had -as I could hear from a safe source- a lot of sleepless nights because it. And also a big accolade to all the helpers. All has gone off without a hitch.
Maybe this "forum spanning" activity was the foundation for a good tradition!
Some more pictures are to be found on my homepage (www.RonGS.de). The videos are a little to big for download. Therefore they will to be get on a DVD soon.
Regards Ron  |
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