Aktuelles Datum und Uhrzeit: 14.03.2025, 18:55 Uhr |
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Titel: Trip on Sunday, May 14th
Verfasst am: 15.05.2006, 03:45 Uhr #16223

Anmeldung: 03. Okt 2003
Beiträge: 2480
Wohnort: Berlin
Good, that weather sometimes hurry up and goes faster over the country. Therefore the streete kept dry all over the tour and the beginning cloudy sky breaks off and gives place for the radiating sun, which escorted us up to the end.
In the morning Dani and Hardy, Thomy, Helmut, Alex, Reiner, Jens and mine one met at the bridge. This time it started really late at 10.45 because somebody of us were still tired of the last night and may be had some "sourly apples" to much, which had to be banished by extra dose of caffeine.
It went heading north over motorway and B96 out of Berlin. At Nassenheide we turned to east but already behind Freienhagen we turned back on the original direction. Here the route leaded us on small road through a marshy terrain.
At Liebenberg we continued on a faster part to Bergsdorf and more over Häsen, where we inserted a first short break at Kraatz.
Via Osterne, Badingen passing the brickyard Mildenberg and behind Ribbek, Zabelsdorf and Marienthal we left the main street again at Tornow to take a "double-tracked" forrest road to Barsdorf.
Short after a little misfortune reached us, when at one of the today five GS the exhaust dismantled. Thank a rich board tools collection and a storage of small parts the problem could be solved using a lacing cord.
Some kilometers later we reached our today aim at Fuerstenberg: the Train Ferry at river Siggelhavel.
This uniqe installation in germany served for good transportation of the former pulp mill. It was put into operation in 1935 and was still used up to 1991. The comprehensive school of Fuerstenberg took care of this facility and restored it as a today official technical memorial. Reading the information board we get in doubt of another intention of the construction: in direct nearness the concentration camp Ravensbrueck lays and makes us an unpleasant feeling.
We relished the beautiful river Siggelhavel
and returned to our bikes.
We left Fuerstenberg heading west and inserted the lunch break at Steinfoerde.
After about one hour we were strengthened back on beautiful small side roads through the first apophysis of the Mueritz lake plate. Passing Grossmenow, Strasen, Neu Canow, Zechlinerhuette, Luhme up to Flecken Zechlin. Here we discarded Thomy, who continued to Hamburg.
The group went to south again via Moeckern, Linow and Rheinsberg, passing Heinrichsdorf, Dierberg and Lindow up to Schoenberg. Here we gone astray on a unplanned road, which was hard to ride along a railway and which strains some backsides.
More via Herzberg and Radensleben we took a narrow path to Wall and Beetz and finally to Kremmen, where we had a coffee stop.
We decided that we won't return to the bridge and drove via Schwante, Germendorf, Velten and Hennigsdorf to Berlin and on the motorway the group splitted and everyone went home.
As aforementioned the sun abided by us on all the 260 km and especially inside dark forrest roads making the tour a real event.
Up to next time!
More pictures are to be found at the gallery of my homepage.
Gruß Ron  |
_________________ Wer nicht gelebt hat, der kann auch nicht sterben.
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