Aktuelles Datum und Uhrzeit: 18.03.2025, 02:06 Uhr |
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Titel: Trip on Sunday, May 7th
Verfasst am: 08.05.2006, 01:25 Uhr #16137

Anmeldung: 03. Okt 2003
Beiträge: 2480
Wohnort: Berlin
Again the weather God did not abandoned us. In throughout sunny and warm weather it went today on 302 km into the southern Brandenburg to Elbe-Elster district.
At the bridge met Uwe, Alex, Gregor, Lutz and mine one and with five it went on a fast turn. The Navi system had to report afterwards that our total average was about 67 km/h.
Over A115 it went to exit Teltow and then via Gueterfelde, Schenkenhorst, Siethen, Thyrow and Maerkisch Wilmersdorf we passed Gadsdorf and Sperenberg and further to south over Stuelpe and Ließen, where we inserted a first short break.
Forward on fine side roads, which leads us among blooming canola fields, followed by shady forrests and wide asparagus fields.
Short to Krassig we landed on a mixture of asphalt an dirt road, where everyone could down to his whim try the one or the other piece.
Reason enough to insert one more break in that beautiful area.
More via Berga, Frankenhain, Nexdorf and Schilda we arrived at our today aim near Troebitz: the Briquette Plant Louise.
We content ourself with a short break and abdicated on the factory visit and also the art exhibition.
Rather the hunger drives us and so we saddled our bikes. It went over Wildgrube and Langennaundorf and we passed this "heartful cosmopolitan city":
Just behind we took our lunch break in the "Golden Anchor" at Uebigau.
Due to a tv set we could follow the start of the furmular 1 race at Nuerburg.
Just after the meal we inserted the refuel stop, because in this area gas stations are very rare and on the next 100 km we would break down for sure.
On winding side roads we headed to north west again, passing
and landed on mellow and green meads of river Elbe.
Via Grosstreben the roads leaded us to Annaburg, Schweinitz and Muegeln, where the dirt bike riders of us glanced at the dirt roads there. It went more via Oehna und Goehlsdorf to Niedergoersdorf and Altes Lager, where we took a turn on the training area.
The nearby kart circuit invited us for a coffee break.
Via Klausdorf and Treuenbrietzen passing the Sabinchen fountain it went to Schlalach and more via a lot of "Bork". No, no, not these "Borg" but: Deutsch Bork, Alt Bork, Borkheide and Borkwalde (resistance would really be futile).
Passing "Noahs Ark" it went to Muehlengrund and along a beautiful quayside at lake Schwielow just on a new way home to Potsdam. From here it was just a stone's throw to the bridge, where a lot folks have been regarding the still sunny sky.
We had a little refreshment
and a lot small talk, before everybody went home.
It was a noteworthy trip, which shows us on more time how varied the region of Mark Brandenburg could be.
Up to next time!
More pictures are to be found at the gallery of my homepage.
Regards Ron  |
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