Deprecated: preg_replace(): The /e modifier is deprecated, use preg_replace_callback instead in /www/htdocs/w0058ef5/ausfahrten/includes/pnAPI.php on line 670
Deprecated: preg_replace(): The /e modifier is deprecated, use preg_replace_callback instead in /www/htdocs/w0058ef5/ausfahrten/includes/pnAPI.php on line 573
Deprecated: preg_replace(): The /e modifier is deprecated, use preg_replace_callback instead in /www/htdocs/w0058ef5/ausfahrten/includes/pnAPI.php on line 670
Deprecated: preg_replace(): The /e modifier is deprecated, use preg_replace_callback instead in /www/htdocs/w0058ef5/ausfahrten/includes/pnAPI.php on line 670
Deprecated: preg_replace(): The /e modifier is deprecated, use preg_replace_callback instead in /www/htdocs/w0058ef5/ausfahrten/includes/pnAPI.php on line 573
Deprecated: preg_replace(): The /e modifier is deprecated, use preg_replace_callback instead in /www/htdocs/w0058ef5/ausfahrten/includes/pnAPI.php on line 670
Deprecated: preg_replace(): The /e modifier is deprecated, use preg_replace_callback instead in /www/htdocs/w0058ef5/ausfahrten/includes/pnAPI.php on line 670
Deprecated: preg_replace(): The /e modifier is deprecated, use preg_replace_callback instead in /www/htdocs/w0058ef5/ausfahrten/includes/pnAPI.php on line 573
Deprecated: preg_replace(): The /e modifier is deprecated, use preg_replace_callback instead in /www/htdocs/w0058ef5/ausfahrten/includes/pnAPI.php on line 670
Deprecated: preg_replace(): The /e modifier is deprecated, use preg_replace_callback instead in /www/htdocs/w0058ef5/ausfahrten/includes/pnAPI.php on line 670
Deprecated: preg_replace(): The /e modifier is deprecated, use preg_replace_callback instead in /www/htdocs/w0058ef5/ausfahrten/includes/pnAPI.php on line 573
Deprecated: preg_replace(): The /e modifier is deprecated, use preg_replace_callback instead in /www/htdocs/w0058ef5/ausfahrten/includes/pnAPI.php on line 670
Deprecated: preg_replace(): The /e modifier is deprecated, use preg_replace_callback instead in /www/htdocs/w0058ef5/ausfahrten/includes/pnAPI.php on line 670
Deprecated: preg_replace(): The /e modifier is deprecated, use preg_replace_callback instead in /www/htdocs/w0058ef5/ausfahrten/includes/pnAPI.php on line 573
Deprecated: preg_replace(): The /e modifier is deprecated, use preg_replace_callback instead in /www/htdocs/w0058ef5/ausfahrten/includes/pnAPI.php on line 670
Deprecated: preg_replace(): The /e modifier is deprecated, use preg_replace_callback instead in /www/htdocs/w0058ef5/ausfahrten/includes/pnAPI.php on line 670
Deprecated: preg_replace(): The /e modifier is deprecated, use preg_replace_callback instead in /www/htdocs/w0058ef5/ausfahrten/includes/pnAPI.php on line 573
Deprecated: preg_replace(): The /e modifier is deprecated, use preg_replace_callback instead in /www/htdocs/w0058ef5/ausfahrten/includes/pnAPI.php on line 670
Deprecated: preg_replace(): The /e modifier is deprecated, use preg_replace_callback instead in /www/htdocs/w0058ef5/ausfahrten/includes/pnAPI.php on line 670
Deprecated: preg_replace(): The /e modifier is deprecated, use preg_replace_callback instead in /www/htdocs/w0058ef5/ausfahrten/includes/pnAPI.php on line 573
Deprecated: preg_replace(): The /e modifier is deprecated, use preg_replace_callback instead in /www/htdocs/w0058ef5/ausfahrten/includes/pnAPI.php on line 670
Deprecated: preg_replace(): The /e modifier is deprecated, use preg_replace_callback instead in /www/htdocs/w0058ef5/ausfahrten/includes/pnAPI.php on line 670
Deprecated: preg_replace(): The /e modifier is deprecated, use preg_replace_callback instead in /www/htdocs/w0058ef5/ausfahrten/includes/pnAPI.php on line 573
Deprecated: preg_replace(): The /e modifier is deprecated, use preg_replace_callback instead in /www/htdocs/w0058ef5/ausfahrten/includes/pnAPI.php on line 670
Deprecated: preg_replace(): The /e modifier is deprecated, use preg_replace_callback instead in /www/htdocs/w0058ef5/ausfahrten/includes/pnAPI.php on line 670
Deprecated: preg_replace(): The /e modifier is deprecated, use preg_replace_callback instead in /www/htdocs/w0058ef5/ausfahrten/includes/pnAPI.php on line 573
Deprecated: preg_replace(): The /e modifier is deprecated, use preg_replace_callback instead in /www/htdocs/w0058ef5/ausfahrten/includes/pnAPI.php on line 670
Deprecated: preg_replace(): The /e modifier is deprecated, use preg_replace_callback instead in /www/htdocs/w0058ef5/ausfahrten/includes/pnAPI.php on line 670
Deprecated: preg_replace(): The /e modifier is deprecated, use preg_replace_callback instead in /www/htdocs/w0058ef5/ausfahrten/includes/pnAPI.php on line 573
Deprecated: preg_replace(): The /e modifier is deprecated, use preg_replace_callback instead in /www/htdocs/w0058ef5/ausfahrten/includes/pnAPI.php on line 670
Deprecated: preg_replace(): The /e modifier is deprecated, use preg_replace_callback instead in /www/htdocs/w0058ef5/ausfahrten/includes/pnAPI.php on line 670
Deprecated: preg_replace(): The /e modifier is deprecated, use preg_replace_callback instead in /www/htdocs/w0058ef5/ausfahrten/includes/pnAPI.php on line 573
Deprecated: preg_replace(): The /e modifier is deprecated, use preg_replace_callback instead in /www/htdocs/w0058ef5/ausfahrten/includes/pnAPI.php on line 670
Deprecated: preg_replace(): The /e modifier is deprecated, use preg_replace_callback instead in /www/htdocs/w0058ef5/ausfahrten/includes/pnAPI.php on line 670
Deprecated: preg_replace(): The /e modifier is deprecated, use preg_replace_callback instead in /www/htdocs/w0058ef5/ausfahrten/includes/pnAPI.php on line 573
Deprecated: preg_replace(): The /e modifier is deprecated, use preg_replace_callback instead in /www/htdocs/w0058ef5/ausfahrten/includes/pnAPI.php on line 670
Deprecated: Function ereg_replace() is deprecated in /www/htdocs/w0058ef5/ausfahrten/modules/Xanthia/pnclasses/Xanthia.php on line 562
Deprecated: Function ereg_replace() is deprecated in /www/htdocs/w0058ef5/ausfahrten/modules/Xanthia/pnclasses/Xanthia.php on line 562
Rolf ::: 20. Okt 2003 ::: 86031 Aufrufe
Spätestens zum Winteranfang wird es wieder Zeit für einen der schlimmsten Momente des Jahres: Bike abmelden und einmotten.
Wer seine Mühle liebt und im Frühjahr kein blaues Wunder erleben will sollte folgende Schritte durchführen: 1.) Motorrad gründlich reinigen, keinesfalls zu nahe an den u.g. Teilen Hochdruckreiniger oder scharfen Wasserstrahl verwenden!
Moped gründlich abtrocknen, Lack nicht polieren und mit Wachs konservieren.
Chrom- und Aluteile nicht polieren und mit Wachs oder Siliconspray versiegeln. Sehr geeignet ist dafür Ballistol Spezialöl, es schützt hervorragend vor Korrosion und ist leicht wieder zu entfernen.
Alle Gummiteile mit Siliconspray einsprühen!
2.)Motorrad Warmfahren (10-20 km), randvoll tanken und Reifendruck auf 3,5 bar erhöhen. Motor etwas abkühlen lassen, Motoröl und Ölfilter (ev. auch Kardanöl und Getriebeöl) wechseln. Abraten kann ich nur von den Brauch, Öl in die Brennräume zu geben. Meistens sind erhebliche Probleme bei Wiederinbetriebnahme im Frühjahr durch verschmierte Kerzen die Folge. Zündkerzenwechsel ist dann erforderlich. Dann den Motor durch Drehen am Hinterrad im größten Gang mehrere Umdrehungen drehen, Zündkerzen am Gewinde mit Kupferpaste dünn schmieren und wieder einschrauben.
3.) Auspuffendtöpfe mit Plastiktüten und Klebeband luftdicht abschließen.
Gas- und Kupplungszüge schmieren, Kette reinigen und schmieren.
Die Batterie muss ausgebaut werden (Minuspol zuerst trennen!) und trocken gelagert werden. Sehr empfehlenswert ist ein automatisches Ladegerät an das die Batterie ständig angeschlossen ist und abwechseln ge- und entladen wird ( Conrad-Elektronik für 40 DM). Die Lebenserwartung von Batterien kann so drastisch erhöht werden, die Anschaffung lohnt auf jeden Fall.
4.) Zuletzt einer der wichtigsten Punkte der Vorbereitung:
Das restliche Benzin in den Schwimmerkammern der Vergaser immer vollständig ablassen. Altes Benzin kann nach mehr als 5 Monaten "verharzen" und große Probleme verursachen; der Aufwand für eine gründliche Vergaserreinigung ist beträchtlich!
Deprecated: Function eregi() is deprecated in /www/htdocs/w0058ef5/ausfahrten/footer.php on line 30
Deprecated: Function ereg_replace() is deprecated in /www/htdocs/w0058ef5/ausfahrten/modules/books/pnblocks/randombook.php on line 53
Deprecated: Function ereg_replace() is deprecated in /www/htdocs/w0058ef5/ausfahrten/modules/Xanthia/pnclasses/Xanthia.php on line 562
Deprecated: Assigning the return value of new by reference is deprecated in /www/htdocs/w0058ef5/ausfahrten/modules/dpStaffStatus/pnblocks/dpStaff.php on line 40
Deprecated: Assigning the return value of new by reference is deprecated in /www/htdocs/w0058ef5/ausfahrten/modules/dpStaffStatus/pnblocks/dpStaff.php on line 113
Deprecated: Function ereg_replace() is deprecated in /www/htdocs/w0058ef5/ausfahrten/modules/Xanthia/pnclasses/Xanthia.php on line 562
Deprecated: preg_replace(): The /e modifier is deprecated, use preg_replace_callback instead in /www/htdocs/w0058ef5/ausfahrten/includes/pnAPI.php on line 573
Benutzer: |
Deprecated: preg_replace(): The /e modifier is deprecated, use preg_replace_callback instead in /www/htdocs/w0058ef5/ausfahrten/includes/pnAPI.php on line 573
Heute neu: |
0 |
Deprecated: preg_replace(): The /e modifier is deprecated, use preg_replace_callback instead in /www/htdocs/w0058ef5/ausfahrten/includes/pnAPI.php on line 573
Gestern neu: |
0 |
Deprecated: preg_replace(): The /e modifier is deprecated, use preg_replace_callback instead in /www/htdocs/w0058ef5/ausfahrten/includes/pnAPI.php on line 573
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383 |
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Letzter: |
Noiajf |
Deprecated: preg_replace(): The /e modifier is deprecated, use preg_replace_callback instead in /www/htdocs/w0058ef5/ausfahrten/includes/pnAPI.php on line 573
Online |
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Benutzer: |
0 |
Deprecated: preg_replace(): The /e modifier is deprecated, use preg_replace_callback instead in /www/htdocs/w0058ef5/ausfahrten/includes/pnAPI.php on line 573
0 |
Deprecated: preg_replace(): The /e modifier is deprecated, use preg_replace_callback instead in /www/htdocs/w0058ef5/ausfahrten/includes/pnAPI.php on line 573
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0 |
Deprecated: preg_replace(): The /e modifier is deprecated, use preg_replace_callback instead in /www/htdocs/w0058ef5/ausfahrten/includes/pnAPI.php on line 573
Mitglieder online |
Deprecated: preg_replace(): The /e modifier is deprecated, use preg_replace_callback instead in /www/htdocs/w0058ef5/ausfahrten/includes/pnAPI.php on line 573
Es sind keine Mitglieder online |
Deprecated: Non-static method ADOConnection::UnixTimeStamp() should not be called statically, assuming $this from incompatible context in /www/htdocs/w0058ef5/ausfahrten/includes/classes/adodb/ on line 2813
Deprecated: Function ereg_replace() is deprecated in /www/htdocs/w0058ef5/ausfahrten/includes/pnLang.php on line 971
Deprecated: Function ereg_replace() is deprecated in /www/htdocs/w0058ef5/ausfahrten/includes/pnLang.php on line 972
Deprecated: Function ereg_replace() is deprecated in /www/htdocs/w0058ef5/ausfahrten/includes/pnLang.php on line 973
Deprecated: Function ereg_replace() is deprecated in /www/htdocs/w0058ef5/ausfahrten/includes/pnLang.php on line 974
Deprecated: Function ereg_replace() is deprecated in /www/htdocs/w0058ef5/ausfahrten/includes/pnLang.php on line 991
Deprecated: Non-static method ADOConnection::UnixTimeStamp() should not be called statically, assuming $this from incompatible context in /www/htdocs/w0058ef5/ausfahrten/includes/classes/adodb/ on line 2813
Deprecated: Function ereg_replace() is deprecated in /www/htdocs/w0058ef5/ausfahrten/includes/pnLang.php on line 971
Deprecated: Function ereg_replace() is deprecated in /www/htdocs/w0058ef5/ausfahrten/includes/pnLang.php on line 972
Deprecated: Function ereg_replace() is deprecated in /www/htdocs/w0058ef5/ausfahrten/includes/pnLang.php on line 973
Deprecated: Function ereg_replace() is deprecated in /www/htdocs/w0058ef5/ausfahrten/includes/pnLang.php on line 974
Deprecated: Function ereg_replace() is deprecated in /www/htdocs/w0058ef5/ausfahrten/includes/pnLang.php on line 991
Deprecated: Non-static method ADOConnection::UnixTimeStamp() should not be called statically, assuming $this from incompatible context in /www/htdocs/w0058ef5/ausfahrten/includes/classes/adodb/ on line 2813
Deprecated: Function ereg_replace() is deprecated in /www/htdocs/w0058ef5/ausfahrten/includes/pnLang.php on line 971
Deprecated: Function ereg_replace() is deprecated in /www/htdocs/w0058ef5/ausfahrten/includes/pnLang.php on line 972
Deprecated: Function ereg_replace() is deprecated in /www/htdocs/w0058ef5/ausfahrten/includes/pnLang.php on line 973
Deprecated: Function ereg_replace() is deprecated in /www/htdocs/w0058ef5/ausfahrten/includes/pnLang.php on line 974
Deprecated: Function ereg_replace() is deprecated in /www/htdocs/w0058ef5/ausfahrten/includes/pnLang.php on line 991
Deprecated: Non-static method ADOConnection::UnixTimeStamp() should not be called statically, assuming $this from incompatible context in /www/htdocs/w0058ef5/ausfahrten/includes/classes/adodb/ on line 2813
Deprecated: Function ereg_replace() is deprecated in /www/htdocs/w0058ef5/ausfahrten/includes/pnLang.php on line 971
Deprecated: Function ereg_replace() is deprecated in /www/htdocs/w0058ef5/ausfahrten/includes/pnLang.php on line 972
Deprecated: Function ereg_replace() is deprecated in /www/htdocs/w0058ef5/ausfahrten/includes/pnLang.php on line 973
Deprecated: Function ereg_replace() is deprecated in /www/htdocs/w0058ef5/ausfahrten/includes/pnLang.php on line 974
Deprecated: Function ereg_replace() is deprecated in /www/htdocs/w0058ef5/ausfahrten/includes/pnLang.php on line 991
Deprecated: Non-static method ADOConnection::UnixTimeStamp() should not be called statically, assuming $this from incompatible context in /www/htdocs/w0058ef5/ausfahrten/includes/classes/adodb/ on line 2813
Deprecated: Function ereg_replace() is deprecated in /www/htdocs/w0058ef5/ausfahrten/includes/pnLang.php on line 971
Deprecated: Function ereg_replace() is deprecated in /www/htdocs/w0058ef5/ausfahrten/includes/pnLang.php on line 972
Deprecated: Function ereg_replace() is deprecated in /www/htdocs/w0058ef5/ausfahrten/includes/pnLang.php on line 973
Deprecated: Function ereg_replace() is deprecated in /www/htdocs/w0058ef5/ausfahrten/includes/pnLang.php on line 974
Deprecated: Function ereg_replace() is deprecated in /www/htdocs/w0058ef5/ausfahrten/includes/pnLang.php on line 991
Deprecated: Non-static method ADOConnection::UnixTimeStamp() should not be called statically, assuming $this from incompatible context in /www/htdocs/w0058ef5/ausfahrten/includes/classes/adodb/ on line 2813
Deprecated: Function ereg_replace() is deprecated in /www/htdocs/w0058ef5/ausfahrten/includes/pnLang.php on line 971
Deprecated: Function ereg_replace() is deprecated in /www/htdocs/w0058ef5/ausfahrten/includes/pnLang.php on line 972
Deprecated: Function ereg_replace() is deprecated in /www/htdocs/w0058ef5/ausfahrten/includes/pnLang.php on line 973
Deprecated: Function ereg_replace() is deprecated in /www/htdocs/w0058ef5/ausfahrten/includes/pnLang.php on line 974
Deprecated: Function ereg_replace() is deprecated in /www/htdocs/w0058ef5/ausfahrten/includes/pnLang.php on line 991
Deprecated: Non-static method ADOConnection::UnixTimeStamp() should not be called statically, assuming $this from incompatible context in /www/htdocs/w0058ef5/ausfahrten/includes/classes/adodb/ on line 2813
Deprecated: Function ereg_replace() is deprecated in /www/htdocs/w0058ef5/ausfahrten/includes/pnLang.php on line 971
Deprecated: Function ereg_replace() is deprecated in /www/htdocs/w0058ef5/ausfahrten/includes/pnLang.php on line 972
Deprecated: Function ereg_replace() is deprecated in /www/htdocs/w0058ef5/ausfahrten/includes/pnLang.php on line 973
Deprecated: Function ereg_replace() is deprecated in /www/htdocs/w0058ef5/ausfahrten/includes/pnLang.php on line 974
Deprecated: Function ereg_replace() is deprecated in /www/htdocs/w0058ef5/ausfahrten/includes/pnLang.php on line 991
Deprecated: Non-static method ADOConnection::UnixTimeStamp() should not be called statically, assuming $this from incompatible context in /www/htdocs/w0058ef5/ausfahrten/includes/classes/adodb/ on line 2813
Deprecated: Function ereg_replace() is deprecated in /www/htdocs/w0058ef5/ausfahrten/includes/pnLang.php on line 971
Deprecated: Function ereg_replace() is deprecated in /www/htdocs/w0058ef5/ausfahrten/includes/pnLang.php on line 972
Deprecated: Function ereg_replace() is deprecated in /www/htdocs/w0058ef5/ausfahrten/includes/pnLang.php on line 973
Deprecated: Function ereg_replace() is deprecated in /www/htdocs/w0058ef5/ausfahrten/includes/pnLang.php on line 974
Deprecated: Function ereg_replace() is deprecated in /www/htdocs/w0058ef5/ausfahrten/includes/pnLang.php on line 991
Deprecated: Non-static method ADOConnection::UnixTimeStamp() should not be called statically, assuming $this from incompatible context in /www/htdocs/w0058ef5/ausfahrten/includes/classes/adodb/ on line 2813
Deprecated: Function ereg_replace() is deprecated in /www/htdocs/w0058ef5/ausfahrten/includes/pnLang.php on line 971
Deprecated: Function ereg_replace() is deprecated in /www/htdocs/w0058ef5/ausfahrten/includes/pnLang.php on line 972
Deprecated: Function ereg_replace() is deprecated in /www/htdocs/w0058ef5/ausfahrten/includes/pnLang.php on line 973
Deprecated: Function ereg_replace() is deprecated in /www/htdocs/w0058ef5/ausfahrten/includes/pnLang.php on line 974
Deprecated: Function ereg_replace() is deprecated in /www/htdocs/w0058ef5/ausfahrten/includes/pnLang.php on line 991
Deprecated: Function ereg_replace() is deprecated in /www/htdocs/w0058ef5/ausfahrten/modules/Xanthia/pnclasses/Xanthia.php on line 562